HomeArchivio Altre NotizieAnnuncio di lavoro presso il Cimitero Americano di Nettuno

Annuncio di lavoro presso il Cimitero Americano di Nettuno

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Annuncio di lavoro presso il Cimitero Americano di Nettuno (RM), alle dipendenze dell’American Battle Monuments Commission, agenzia governativa americana.

La pubblicazione – come espressamente richiesto dall’American Battle Monuments Commission – è in lingua inglese.

The Sicily-Rome American Cemetery in Nettuno (RM), has an opening for one permanent indefinite position as Interpretive Guide. Target grade is FSN-6, on a full-time 40-hr schedule per week Monday-Friday and rotating weekend duties. Open to Italian Citizens and Foreign Nationals only.

This position is primarily responsible for receiving visitors and providing site tours in both English and Italian, and to manage the outreach program. Duties also include administrative/office and ceremonial support functions.

Qualifications: High School diploma or equivalent, at least 2 years of work experience in similar fields and in dealing with the public; excellent personal communication and organizational skills; Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook) proficiency.

Applicants must be Italian native speakers and able to provide translation for written and verbal communication and have a fluent knowledge of English (Level IV) to include reading, writing and speaking. Foreign National residents who are not Italian must have the required work and residency permits which authorize employment in Italy.

Submit Cover Letter & C.V. in English to Isabella Lo Castro, ABMC Human Resources Division at locastroi@abmc.gov

Full Job description can be provided upon request. CLOSING DATE: 31 October 2017 with first cut-off date 16 October 2017.

American Battle Monuments Commission | Sicily-Rome American Cemetery

Piazzale Kennedy 1 | 00048 Nettuno, Italy | T+ 39 069880284

Unit 9500 Box 11 | DPO AE 09624-0011 | USA

www.abmc.gov| Join us on Facebook

